
2023.05.26 #topics








-発熱外来(COVID-19 PCR、インフルエンザ抗原、膀胱炎、胃腸炎など)




【天野 方一】
eHealth clinic新宿院 院長、帝京大学大学院公衆衛生学研究科非常勤講師、帝京大学ちば総合医療センター第三内科(腎臓内科)非常勤医師など

埼玉医科大学卒業後、都内の大学附属病院で研修を修了。東京慈恵会医科大学附属病院、足利赤十字病院、神奈川県立汐見台病院などに勤務、研鑽を積む。2016年より帝京大学大学院公衆衛生学研究科に入学し、2018年9月よりハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院(Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)に留学。予防医療に特化したメディカルクリニックで勤務後、2022年4月東京都新宿区に「eHealth clinic 新宿院」を開院。複数企業の嘱託産業医としても勤務中。



【イーヘルスクリニック 新宿院】


所在地:東京都新宿区新宿2-6-4 新宿通東洋ビル 3F




参考: 技能実習生や特定技能外国人が「病気やケガ」をしたときに受入れ企業がやるべきこと | 外国人採用の窓口


Enhancing Healthcare Accessibility for Foreign Visitors: eHealth clinic Shinjuku

Today, many foreign tourists are staying in Japan. However, if they do not speak Japanese, they may experience difficulties when they fall ill. In response to this situation, eHealth clinic Shinjuku has established a response system as a “clinic where medical care can be received both in person and online” that can quickly respond to foreign travelers when they become ill.
In the future, we will also strengthen cooperation with travel, accommodation, and accident insurance companies that provide services to foreigners.

As the COVID-19 pandemic is winding down, the number of international travelers is increasing. The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) announced that the number of foreign visitors to Japan in January 2023 will be approximately 1.5 million, up 120,000 from 1.37 million in December 2022. The number of foreign visitors to Japan in January 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, shows a recovery rate approaching 2.7 million.

With the increase in the number of foreign visitors and other foreign residents in Japan, the number of medical institutions accepting foreign patients who cannot speak Japanese is increasing. However, the supply has not yet caught up with the demand and medical institutions urgently need to improve their systems for accepting foreign patients.

In light of this situation, eHealth clinic Shinjuku has established a system that can respond quickly to foreign travelers who become ill as a “clinic where medical care can be received both in person and online.”

・We have English- and Chinese-speaking physicians who are readily available to provide direct assistance.
・Diagnosis forms and receipts can be issued in both English and Chinese languages.
・In addition to in-person visits, we offer online medical services and convenient drug delivery options, including delivery to hotels and other locations.
・We have established specialized outpatient clinics specifically designed for foreign travelers.
-Our outpatient services include diagnosis and treatment for various conditions such as fever (COVID-19 PCR, influenza antigen, cystitis, gastroenteritis, etc.)
-Sexually transmitted diseases (testing and treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV testing)
-Erectile dysfunction (ED), and more.

eHealth clinic Shinjuku is equipped to respond quickly to foreign travelers who fall ill, allowing them to receive medical care in person or online whenever they need it. Our clinic has specialized outpatient clinics for foreign travelers, staffed directly by English- and Chinese-speaking physicians. We can issue medical certificates and receipts in English and Chinese, and provide in-person as well as online medical services and medication delivery (to hotels, etc.).

We will continue to provide flexible services that meet the needs of foreign patients and establish a system that allows them to receive medical care in Japan with peace of mind.


Hoichi Amano (M.D., MPH, PhD.)

After graduating from Saitama Medical University, he completed his residency at a university-affiliated hospital in Tokyo. He gained valuable experience and furthered his studies at prestigious institutions such as Tokyo Jikei University Hospital, Ashikaga Red Cross Hospital, and Kanagawa Prefectural Shiomidai Hospital. In 2016, he pursued his academic journey at Teikyo University Graduate School of Public Health, and in September 2018, he embarked on a study abroad program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Following his extensive medical training, he worked at a specialized medical clinic focusing on preventive medicine. In April 2022, he established the “eHealth clinic Shinjuku” located in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. Additionally, he serves as a commissioned industrial physician for several companies.

His professional certifications include medical specialist and advisor by the Japanese Society of Nephrology, medical specialist by the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, industrial physician certified by the Japan Medical Association, master of public health, and doctor in public health.


【eHealth clinic Shinjuku】

Location: 3rd Floor, Shinjuku Dori Toyo Building, 2-6-4 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Director: Dr. Hoichi Amano
Website: https://ehealthclinic.jp/

Our medical clinic is dedicated to the mission of supporting the health of individuals and families in their prime and empowering society through healthcare. We strive to create a personalized patient experience by maximizing the use of digital and online medical services.
We provide medical solutions tailored for companies, including health check-ups, mental health support, and industrial healthcare services. Our goal is to cater to the unique needs of each individual and contribute to their well-being.

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